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It feels like time goes extra fast the more kids you add to your household. This winter has been tough but time still feels like it is flying. We just celebrated Jackson's two months, which means I am also two months post partum. I just recently had my check up with my OB, and it was really bittersweet because it was the end of the road for us with him. Kyle and I both have grown to really love our OB, he has helped us through so much. If anyone is unfamiliar with our story, we struggled with infertility and loss for 2 years before finally having our little sticky baby (Everly). Our OB helped us manage and fix the issues we were having, and we were able to have two beautiful children. There were a lot of nights where I didn't think I would ever have a family and that was a really dark time in my life. 

But here we are, two kids in, and it has been quite the adjustment. In some ways it hasn't been as hard as I thought, but I still haven't been brave enough to leave the house by myself with both of them lol I still either drop one off or have help come with me. I think once the weather gets nicer things will feel a lot easier, because right now it takes so much effort to leave the house and some days it just feels overwhelming. I feel like my attention has been focused solely on my kids, which is how I feel it should be. But sometimes things tend to fall short, like communicating with others via phone and text. I know this is just a transitional period and it will get easier as time goes on, I just wish others understood my availability can be patchy at times. 

My healing this time around was completely different and I think that has contributed to my state of mind. I felt fairly normal pretty much the next day. I had bleeding of course, and I had pretty painful contractions when I nursed, but in terms of tearing I had nothing to worry about. I did have the baby blues again and that is one aspect that always turns me off of the entire child birth experience. I hate the way I feel, I hate crying every minute over nothing at all, and sometimes it feels like my mind is just showing me nothing but negative thoughts and it makes me feel so guilty. This time I had the baby blues for about a week, I think a lot of my anxiety and emotions were centred around Kyle going back to work and me being home alone. But by day 2 of him being back to work I found comfort in making our new daily schedule and finding our new normal. In terms of my emotional state this time, it is so much better. I was on anti depressants with Everly but this time I have not felt like I needed it. I feel so much more stable and confident this time around, and I'm thankful for that. Other than a few situations I am trying to work through in my personal life, everything has been manageable and we are getting really excited for warmer weather! 

I am trying to get back into a low carb eating plan, not keto at this point because I don't think I can handle something so strict at the moment. I have also purchased a gym membership and have started going twice a week to start. It feels good to have the time to focus on myself and it has really helped my mental state also! I have about 30-40lbs I would like to lose, thats a combination of weight I gained while pregnant and some extra lbs I had before I got pregnant. 

Overall I feel at peace with how my post partum healing has gone this time. I feel like I am in a much better place than I was with Everly which helps because now I have two kids I'm running after. The temperatures are starting to get nicer and I am ready to have tons of park and zoo dates with my kids! 


Our perfect little boy is finally here! He arrived January 17, 2019 at 2:27am, and was 8lbs 9oz of pure perfection! I was 37 and a half weeks along and this little boy was ready to make his debut, and to be honest, I was so ready haha. If you have been following along throughout I'm sure you know that I was so ready to meet this sweet little face. From the very start this pregnancy was tough and a lot of the time it was scary, so to have him here in my arms is all I have been waiting for! I wanted to sit down and write out my birth story like I did for Everly before I forget it all, so here it is!

January 8 I went in for my weekly appointment, I was a little early to have a sweep done but I was having contractions and cramping so my doctor wanted to check me. I was 5cm dilated already, and it didn't really surprise me because I dilated like that with Everly too. So I was already half way there and I knew it was coming up and we would be meeting this little boy soon! I scheduled my next appointment for the following week (and I planned it later so I would for sure get a sweep lol) and carried on with our week. 

January 15 I was feeling a little off, I was really tired and felt sick so I asked my mother in law to come and get Everly and have her spend the night there so I could rest a little bit and try and feel better. My doctor's appointment was the following day so the plan was to pick her up on my way home. January 16 I had my appointment first thing in the morning so I got up and left the house to go right there. I felt really nervous for this appointment, mostly because I knew I was already halfway there and I had been having anxiety for a while about labour. My doctor told me we could do a sweep and so I got up on the table and he gave me one. He told me I was about 6cm dilated and that he was pretty certain that I would have the baby within the next 24 hours. I was a bit skeptical about his statement because he said the same thing with Everly, and she ended up coming 4 days after. I scheduled my next appointment just in case Jackson was a no show, and I went to my mother in laws for a few hours to kill some time just in case things did start to happen. 

My doctor told me that if I started having any types of contractions to go right to labour and delivery because I was already so far along. We live out of town so I wanted to stay close. I had to time it right because Kyle was also at work, and I didn't want him leaving unless things were actually happening. 

My appointment was at 10am, and around 1pm I started feeling some cramping and light contractions. We started timing them just to see, but they would only happen when I was sitting down and they would stop when I walked around. I told Kyle to stay put, but maybe see if he could have an earlier day and leave around 3pm. Of course as soon as I said that my contractions stopped, and around 3:30pm I went and got something to eat because I was starving. Around 5pm we were still at my mother in laws, and we were making plans to head back to the house (we decided to let Everly stay one more night there just in case things picked up again), and my contractions started up again. This time they felt more intense, and they were about 4-5 minutes apart. We timed them for about 45 minutes and finally I said I wanted to go to the hospital to get checked. 

They hooked me up to the machine and my contractions were actually about 2 minutes apart by that time, so they called the on call doctor in to take a look at our options. At that point, I was so far along that I felt the best option for us because we do live out of town was to break my water, admit me, and get things going. I have to take a moment and say how amazing our doctor was, we had Dr. Mckinney deliver our son and he just had an amazing bedside manor and humour that was so similar to ours. It was just such an amazing experience having him as our doctor, I was pretty bummed at first that we wouldn't have our doctor deliver, but I could not have asked for a better person to help bring our son into the world. 

Once they got me into the birthing room, the doctor came in and told us that the man who delivers the epidural is tied up in a surgery and may not be able to come in time. I think at that moment the entire world stopped and part of me died inside lol. I have so much respect for women who can give birth naturally, I just know that isn't me. He said he would do his best and I started praying for a miracle. Turns out I dilate quickly but once my water breaks things slow right down, so even though they thought I wouldn't have any time, I did. Although, I had to wait about 3 hours before I was able to get the epidural, I was just thankful I could get it. I let him know about a million times how thankful I was too, because for those three hours I was experiencing back labour like I had with Everly and it is just another level of pain. The good news was that because I had been having back labour for three hours, my spine already felt numb and I didn't feel the needle to in which was one of the things I was really afraid of. 

Once the epidural was in everything in the world was alright. I also made a point to push the button a lot more because with Everly by the time I was ready to push, the epidural wasn't as effective because I didn't push the button very much. This resulted in me being a little too numb (from the neck down lol) so they told me to stop pushing it so I could get some feeling back into the upper part of my body. I could feel the pressure starting to become more intense, and I knew that pushing was just around the corner. 

When I reached 10cm like with Everly they let my body do a bit more work for about an hour before they told me to start pushing, just so he could squeeze his way down a bit more. I was really nervous and I was shaking a ton which made things a bit more difficult. I think I was scared of tearing, with Everly I ended up needing an episiotomy and the healing aspect of that was extremely hard. But I knew this baby needed to come out one way or another, so I started pushing. 

So this is where I knew we had a doctor who was just hilarious: when the head was out and we were waiting for the next round of contractions to finish pushing, he saw Jackson had a head full of hair and while he was waiting he made a mohawk. His head just chilling there lol Kyle thought it was the funniest thing and it just made the room less tense (the pressure you feel is insane and you can't do anything until contractions start up again). 

45 minutes of pushing and he was here, it was a moment I won't ever forget. I loved everything about this labour experience and honestly if they could all be like this I would have 20 more babies. The best part was I didn't tear. He gave me one stitch because I had a cut that was a little stubborn and wouldn't stop bleeding, but other than that everything was fine. With Everly, even though she was a vaginal birth it didn't seem like one because we were in an operating room in case they had to go in with an emergency c section. She was taken away and I didn't get to hold her for a little while until they knew she was alright. This was such a different experience, I literally pulled out my son. I got to hold him right away and I held him for almost an hour before they took him to weigh and measure. 

The doctor afterwards even showed us the placenta and showed Kyle where Jackson had grown for the past 9 months. It was truly just a beautiful experience, one that I won't ever forget. The nurses we had in the room with us were amazing, the doctor was perfect, and the energy was just so happy and positive. I was so nervous leading up to that moment, but when it was all said and done I could not have asked for a better birth (even with the scare of possibly not having an epidural lol).  

We are home and adjusting well, overall my post partum experience has been good and we are all settling in to our new routine! 


Almost 10 weeks since my last update, it is true what they say about the second child lol sometimes they really go unnoticed. I hate saying this sometimes because when I say it I have a bunch of people who come for me and make me feel guilty but: I am over being pregnant. I want this baby out lol.

I'm going to use this first part of the update to do a little complaining (again, please don't come for me). I am huge, I don't think my belly can stretch anymore. Also, I have like one shirt and one pair of pants left that fit me so getting dressed is extra fun. Getting out of bed in the middle of the night is also extra fun, especially when you're getting up every hour to two hours to pee. I am literally a turtle on it's back constantly. I can't stand for longer than 15 minutes without wanting to cry because the pressure is on another level, and walking around to do something as simple as grocery shop is almost out of the question. The last legs of pregnancy are the worst for me, and I am getting more and more eager to welcome him into the world. 

There really isn't any other changes other than the daily struggle that I mentioned above. Christmas eve I started having some intense contractions and thought it was go time. The look on Kyle's face was everything lol. But they stopped after about 6 or 7 and even though I have been having cramping on and off I haven't felt any more intense pain like that. My doctor said he is potentially going to be away the week I am due, so my last visit he told me he would "have me swept and delivered by the time he leaves." I am really hanging onto that promise lol. 

I feel like my belly has definitely dropped, and I should be getting my first sweep soon to see if I have started dilating. Fun fact: when I went in with Everly to do my first sweep I had not been experiencing any pain, and when he checked me I was 7 cm dilated. Please pray I have a similar outcome this time lol. I am hoping he does it at my appointment January 7th, but he may wait until the following week because I won't quite be 37 weeks (I am writing this update a little earlier than usual). 

Other than that, I think that is pretty much it! I have lost a lot of my "plug" (I hate the full word lol it sounds so gross). So I think my body is definitely prepping and getting ready. I have a feeling he may come middle of January? But I also don't want to be cocky and assume because then I feel like he will be late lol. 

How far along? 36 weeks

Total weight gain? I am at about 30lbs. 

Maternity clothes? BARELY lol. Nothing fits anymore.

Stretch marks? Yeah, but mostly left over from my pregnancy with Everly.

Sleep? Back to being non existent. 

Best moment this week? Hearing my doctor promise he would have me swept and delivered before he leaves on his conference. 

Miss anything? Sleeping, walking, basic living. 

Movement? Still moving, but I have noticed he is starting to slow down. His busy time is still between 7 and 8pm. 

Food cravings? Nothing really.

Anything making you feel sick or queasy? Nothing anymore so far!

Showing? Oh yes, I am a human billboard. 

Gender? It's a BOY!

Labor signs? Things are starting to get ready I think! 

Symptoms? Still feel a lot of pressure because he likes being low and cramping. 

Belly button in or out? It's an outtie now.

Happy or moody most of the time? A little bit of both I think!

Looking forward to: Delivering. 


It is crazy to think that this is my 5th time sitting here and writing some type of review or reflection of the year previous. When I started this, I didn't know what it would be or if I would even keep up with it. Some years it has been neglected a bit more than others, but for the most part I have been able to keep some type of record of my life since I married Kyle in 2014. 

In so many ways 2018 was one of the challenging years, but in others it was filled with so much happiness and joy. I am finding it hard to write about the year in general because there are so many mixed emotions attached to it. Am I where I thought I would be this time last year? No. Is it more than I expected? So much more. I never have an outline or plan for these posts, I just sit down and write out what comes to mind about the year passed, so here it goes!

I started 2018 confident. Confident in my abilities as a parent, partner, and coworker. As the year went on I felt some aspects of that slowly start to fade. I felt myself wanting more from my job, I loved it so much, but I wanted to expand and learn more. I applied for a new position within the company, and the interview experience in itself was rewarding. It solidified that I am knowledgable about what I do, and I am confident in my abilities as an IT. When it didn't pan out I felt lost for a bit, but still happy because I still got to work with a great team. It was at that point that the conversation to expand our family became more and more talked about. Kyle had wanted to grow our family for months, and I kept putting it off because I felt like I wasn't ready. 

April I decided it was a good time to start. Knowing the struggles we had with Everly I assumed it would probably take at least a year, maybe more. So I had called our OB who helps us with fertility and made an appointment. 4 weeks later I got a positive pregnancy test and that was when the year really jumped into high gear. My pregnancy with Everly was perfect, if it wasn't for my bump I wouldn't have even know I was expecting. This one not so much.. to be honest they did not think this baby would have survived. I was getting ready to go through what I had already gone through 3 times before. I had a bleed where the placenta was supposed to attach, and if the bleed did not rectify itself before the placenta went to attach, I would have miscarried. I had never experienced anything like that before, and when I started bleeding I thought it was all over. My doctor said that given my job description it would be best to be taken off work, and this was probably one of the harder pills to swallow this year. In some ways I felt a bit neglected by the people I worked with, because I never heard from any of them really once I left. What I was going through emotionally was really hard, but resting truly was the best thing I could have done. The bleed resolved itself and Jackson was growing perfectly. 

The summer was when we decided to pull Everly from daycare and have her home with me. Financially we just could not have her there full time with only one income. This was such an amazing time, to get to be home with her and raise her the way I wanted. It meant so much knowing we had the summer together to grow and learn. She has changed so much in the last few months, and I feel like our relationship has strengthened immensely because I was able to spend so much time with her. 

I realized more of more this year how important it is to invest in the people who invest in you. Lately I have been really lacking in that area. Life gets so busy sometimes, and I try to carve out time where I do not have my phone and can focus on my family. Sometimes that means texts and calls go unanswered, and I have to work on getting better at getting back to the people I love in my life (sorry Eva lol, I feel like you got the brunt of it). My marriage has been stronger than it has in a long time, we are learning every year a little bit more on how to deal with one another, and work better as a team. It has been so nice to have him here through all of this, I don't know how well I would have done without him. My relationship with my sister grew a lot more too as she welcomed her son into the world this fall. He is perfection, and being so far away from him hurts my heart some days. But seeing her as a mom has made me so proud, and it is something we can both relate with, and she understands a little bit more why I am the way I am when it comes to parenting. 

2018 saw a lot of happy moments and memories. I am happy to be wrapping up the year, because 2019 we start with welcoming our son into the world. I can't wait to meet him and see Everly as a big sister. She has been waiting so patiently for him to arrive, and I am so glad that he hung on because he is such a special part of our family already. 

My only resolution or goal of 2019 is to be the best version of myself I can be. To let go of the negativity that gets in the way sometimes, and just enjoy my family and the life we have. It's a pretty generic resolution lol, but I feel like too often I let negativity get the best of me, and I focus too much on the bad and forget about all the good. I also want to strive to be a healthier version of myself once the baby comes. Pregnancy is so amazing but dang does it do a number on your body. 

I hope you all had an amazing year, and continue to love and grow as we enter the new year!


Every time I visit my OB he tells me I need to take it easy, and every time I just look at him confused as to what that even means ha. This pregnancy has come with a lot of complications, and I am so grateful that Jackson is still cooking away in my tummy despite all of these challenges. She keeps me on my toes and I know once I have two here it'll be even crazier, I'm so used to it now that I never know what to do with the silence. Here is a typical day spent at home: 

5:30am-7:00am: I wake up and teach, I normally teach all the way through, but the odd time I will have a time slot that didn't book so I may have a 20 min break in between this.

6:30am: Everly has woken up by this point, and Kyle is looking after her while I finish up my classes. He will change her diaper and get her some breakfast and some milk. Her favourite breakfast is usually oatmeal with berries and a banana. 

7:00am: Kyle leaves for work and I'm officially on my own. This is the time where I make my coffee and get set up for the day. I will take a look at the calendar in my agenda and see if there are any appointments or places we need to be so I can plan the day accordingly. 

7:30-8:30am: This in between time I usually put on a movie or some type of video Everly likes watching and I will use this time to eat breakfast for myself, drink coffee, and just take 5 after teaching. 

9:00am-11am: This time in the morning is usually "free play" for her. She likes to play with some of her toys like her train set, kitchen, dolls, and books. We also do our morning basket (an upcoming blog post) and we will go on a walk if the weather isn't bad. We live right outside of a huge trail so it's been nice to get out and explore nature a bit in the morning. While she is playing and occupied, I am cleaning the kitchen, getting dinner prepped and ready, switching over laundry, and tidying up the bedrooms. 

11:30am-12:00pm: At around 11:30 I start prepping her lunch, she usually eats fairly light for lunch since she has more than likely snacked a bit while she was playing. She has been loving tuna sandwiches and I will usually give her a clementine on the side or a yogurt depending on what she chooses. Other lunch options for her is mac n cheese, cheese and crackers with yogurt and some type of fruit, or a deli sandwich with some fruit. 

12:00pm-2:00pm: She very rarely makes it to 2pm for nap, on average she will start waking up around 1:30. But this time period is her nap, and lately she has been laying in our bed for naps because they just end up being better sleeps for her. So I will sit beside her while she naps and I will usually work on some type of project like cross stitch, and watch some videos for background noise. Sometimes if it was a really early morning I will nap with her since it's the only "down" time I have during the day really.

2:00pm-5:00pm: After nap time is the gap I find hardest to fill, so we usually go out and do something. Not every day, but I try most days to get her out of the house. Our favourite places are usually the park (weather permitting), Treetops indoor playground, the library, or just a visit at someone's house. I like to have her burn as much energy off as I can so bedtime isn't too much of a struggle.

5:00pm-5:30pm: Kyle is usually home by now and he usually goes and spends time with her. They usually play with her toys or read books and I get dinner prepped and ready for them while this is happening. 

6:00pm-7:00pm: We have dinner, give Everly a bath, brush her teeth, get her into her pj's, and have some "wind down time." 

7:30pm: Kyle will take Everly and put her down for bed. He stays in there with her until she falls asleep and then he will come out. I can be found tidying up from dinner and just making sure all toys and such are put away from the day.

8:00pm-8:30: I am prepping for my classes that I teach the next day. I sit down and write out the props I need, the lesson I'm teaching so I have an idea of how timing will go, and just making sure everything is good to go first thing. 

9:00pm-10:00pm: Every other night I will hop in the shower, and then hop into bed and put on some type of show or YouTube video and eventually go to bed, preparing to do it all over again!

It may not seem like a lot, but we are pretty much go go go from when we wake up. I enjoy staying busy during the day I always have, it makes me feel so much more productive. On Friday nights I will usually teach all night, and sometimes I will even open up some slots on Saturday nights. So there always seems like something is going on, but I like it that way! I know leaving the house will be even harder once I have two, so I am really enjoying being able to take Everly places and do different things with her while I still can. I may be slow moving lol but we do get where we are going eventually! 


I am one week away from the third and final trimester! WOW! At first this pregnancy felt like it wasn't progressing at all and that time was just standing still. But now I feel like I blinked and all of a sudden have 12 weeks left. 

I have an update on my short cervix that I wrote about last time, I had gone in during Thanksgiving weekend because I was having bad cramps and tightening. They ended up doing an emergency ultra sound and saw that my cervix is actually right where it should be! An internal ultra sound is much more accurate than the stomach one they initially did, so I felt really relieved because having a short cervix could have caused some major problems. 

He is still moving like crazy. I find his movements feel more like a dragging motion, where as when Everly moved it was more prominent kicks. He still sits really low which sucks for my bladder and also when it comes to walking around. I noticed he prefers the right side of my belly just like Everly did. My sister just recently had her baby boy and seeing him made me so much more excited to see Jackson! 

I should be getting my glucose test done in a few weeks, I really like the drink last time haha, lets hope I still enjoy it! I feel like the results really could go either way, I don't feel like I could have gestational diabetes but I know my eating has not been the best with this little guy. I went through a phase where all I wanted was apple crisp ...

Other than that there really isn't much else to update! We are finally starting to get the room figured out now and really going at it and fixing it all up. I have been selling some items that don't fit the space much anymore since it will be a shared room between him and Everly. We have also started putting together the bassinet and the pack n play. Everly has been enjoying using the pack n play as a crib for her dolls which I don't mind. We also got the car seat in the mail as well and I am so glad I went with a lighter car seat! 

How far along? 27 weeks

Total weight gain? So far I have gained 24lbs. 

Maternity clothes? Yep!

Stretch marks? Yeah, but mostly left over from my pregnancy with Everly.

Sleep? Getting much better! I usually wake up around 2am and toss around for a bit but it hasn't made me feel exhausted in the morning. I have found it hard to sleep on my back now so majority of the night I am on my side. 

Best moment this week? It happened a few weeks ago but my sister having her baby is still the highlight! 

Miss anything? Lately I have been wanting more than one cup of coffee haha.

Movement? Lots! He is most active first thing in the morning and around 8pm at night. 

Food cravings? I have been really enjoying apple crisp, which seems super random but it has been a major craving.

Anything making you feel sick or queasy? Nothing anymore so far!

Showing? Oh yes.

Gender? It's a BOY!

Labor signs? None. I thought maybe Thanksgiving weekend something was happening but everything ended up being fine!

Symptoms? Still feel a lot of pressure because he likes being low. Also I have noticed that my tinnitus (which I got shortly after I found out I was pregnant due to the extra blood flow) has slowed down a bit, I don't notice it nearly as much which is awesome.  

Belly button in or out? It's pretty much on the verge of being an outtie. 

Happy or moody most of the time? A little bit of both I think!

Looking forward to: Getting things started for the holidays!


When I was pregnant with Everly I was so focused on the giving birth and taking care of her part, that I completely overlooked postpartum care. When I came home with her, she had everything she need (and then some) and I had absolutely nothing. Thank goodness for my mom, she was staying with us at the time to help with the transition, and once she found out I didn't have what I needed she ran out to the store to get me everything. If you haven't had a baby, I can't tell you how much the things she got helped me, if you have had a baby then you totally get it. 

I had a vaginal birth with Everly so my postpartum care kit was and is tailored to that experience. With her I also had an episiotomy, and healing was a journey. I was stitched from end to end pretty much and everything I did was so painful. This time around I am making sure I have a list of everything I need and it is going to be home when I am. 

My mom has been asking me what I would like for Christmas and there isn't really anything I need or want. HOWEVER, I had the brilliant idea of getting her to make me a "postpartum stocking" type thing. Is that not the most adulting gift you have ever heard haha. So I have made my Amazon list and here are all the things I'm including (besides the obvious like stool softner and tylenol):

1) Sitz Bath
I used this thing to DEATH when I had Everly. I think having an episiotomy was one of the reasons why it was so valuable in the healing process to me. I used it when I needed some relief and I also used it in between baths and to also clean, because you can't wipe or anything when you have that many stitches. 

2) Witch Hazel Cleansing Pads
There are a few organic brands that carry these cleansing pads, but TUCKS also makes them and I prefer their brand. These are great at giving you that cooling effect "down there" when you need it, especially if you have stitches and they start to heal and get itchy. I found that's when I needed them to most. 

3) Spray Bottle
The hospital usually gives you one of these to go home with, but Frida Baby also makes one called the Mom Washer. This is good because again, you can't wipe really with fresh stitches so they give you this to clean instead. It is an actual lifesaver.

4) Depends Overnight Underwear
This is a new one on the list. I have been watching a bunch of YouTube videos and tons of people recommend using Depends for right after you give birth. I have never thought to use them and it actually sounds like a genius idea. I am not a fan of the mesh type under wear they give you at the hospital so this sounds like a great alternative!

5) Always Overnight Pads
I used these last time with Everly and I actually prefer the Wal Mart brand of overnight pads because they aren't nearly as thick and bulky. I switch between pad sizes once the bleeding has started to subside. 

6) Earth Mama Bottom Spray
I used this last time and really enjoyed it! It's pretty much a TUCKS pad but in liquid form. 

7) Padcicyles 
My friend made me a bunch for after I gave birth and they were AMAZING! So I am totally planning on making some this time around. It's basically a giant ice pack for down there haha, and it is heaven when you need it the most. 

I think for now that is pretty much it! Doesn't child birth sound like so much fun?! The recovery depending on how your labour goes can be quick or it can be long and difficult. I felt like I would never be the same again, but day by day you get a little bit better and stronger and you do heal and become human again. I definitely recommend stocking up on some of these items if you are expecting, and if you have a friend who is due around Christmas or just after like I am, a great gift idea would be a postpartum stocking haha. 

Is there anything I missed or something you couldn't live without?! Let me know! Those who have had C-Sections, is there a must have on your list?